Steampunk Arm + Pipes - ProgettoSteam - Steampunk Accessories

Steampunk Arm + Pipes


Fast Shipping:
Italy: 1-2 days Europe: 2-3 days USA: 3-5 days


One of my first works, always appreciate. The armor arm is really proper for every steampunk outfit.

Leather 3-4mm

Size: S M L XL

Processing time: 4-5 days.


During work and at the end of it, you will receive different pics of the item. Please feel free to contact us if you require any further information or if you  want to ask for more pictures, retouches or corrections. We kindly ask you to reply messages during time process; we need it to complete the job.

Without reply, will consider as tacit confirmation to comply with the processing times and shipping. This is to respect our work, time and materials. We do not accept refunds, rendered or returned.

Thank you.

[text_block id=2622 description="Steampunk armor and accessories."]
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